Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I finally had some time to turn back to the Dirty 'Lil Penguin (DLP) semi-modular project. A low pass VCF and VCA have been added, so the damn thing is now playable!

Audio sample here.

The sample is straight audio right from the DLP, driven by the FR-777 sequencer, and recorded via Ardour 3 on Fedora. Yes, I may be moving away from Cubase to Ardour as it can run it on a 64 bit OS and it still has drivers for the Emagic Unitor AMT-8!

Additionally I have updated the DLP github project with the latest schematics and code. Next build phase will be the dual ASDR envelopes, and then finish off the sub osc's and OSC2.

Here are some pics:

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